PBV Cares ‘Seeding Resilience’ At Princeville Elementary School
Pepsi Bottling Ventures (PBV) is proud to announce the successful launch of its “PBV Cares” initiative with a volunteer day in collaboration with our partners at Conservation Trust For North Carolina (CTNC). The event took place at Princeville Elementary School in the historic Town of Princeville, North Carolina.
As part of PBV Cares, an initiative driven by the company’s vision of “growing for good,” PBV strives to positively impact the community by going beyond the beverage to give back to society. The partnership with CTNC and it’s “Seeding Resilience” program allowed PBV to connect with the needs of the community and demonstrates its commitment to adding value.
“It was an honor to be able to help the historic town of Princeville and interact with its vibrant community,” said Marla Wiedmann, Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Corporate Affairs. “With our PBV Cares initiative, our mission is to meaningfully impact the communities where we live, embody the PBV spirit, and fulfill our vision to grow for good. Partnerships with organizations like CTNC allow us to better connect to the needs of our community, and we’re grateful to have their support.”
During the volunteer day, PBV employees joined forces with CTNC and dedicated their time and energy to an afternoon of landscaping and beautification efforts at Princeville Elementary School. The volunteers engaged in various activities, including planting, weeding, and mulching rain gardens and stormwater basins, which play a crucial role in water retention and storm runoff management. The Town of Princeville is susceptible to flooding, and these efforts contribute to reducing the risk of flooding at the school and the adjacent community.
After a productive day of service, PBV volunteers had the opportunity to connect with the Princeville Elementary School community. A “PBV Grill Party” was hosted, where delicious hamburgers were served by PBV’s beverage equipment services (BES) team, led by BES Director Roy Taylor. The event fostered a sense of community and appreciation for the hard work and dedication of all involved.
PBV Cares represents a deep commitment to meaningfully impact the communities where PBV operates. By partnering with organizations like CTNC, PBV ensures a strong connection to the needs of the community and an opportunity to fulfill its vision of growing for good. The collaboration with CTNC enables PBV to actively participate in revitalizing and preserving the historic Town of Princeville, an essential part of North Carolina’s and America’s history.
PBV extends its sincere appreciation to everyone involved in making the inaugural PBV Cares volunteer day a resounding success. PBV acknowledges that these efforts are made possible through the values-driven mindset of its employees, making PBV an exceptional workplace.